FAQs - Republic of Petoria

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why doesn’t the hotline at 1-800-PETORIA work?

A: The hotline isn’t working because Supreme Leader Peter Griffin unplugged the phone to “stop all the spam calls.” While we’ve tried explaining that the hotline is for citizens, Peter insists, “If it’s important, they’ll show up at my house.”

Q: Do I need a passport to visit Petoria?

A: No passport is required! Visitors are only asked to follow all official decrees, participate in Nacho Nights, and respect Pajama Fridays.

Q: What is the official currency of Petoria?

A: The official currency of Petoria is the “Griffin Dollar,” which has no real-world value. However, bartering with nachos and beer is highly encouraged.

Q: Can I apply for Petorian citizenship?

A: Absolutely! You can fill out the citizenship application form. Be sure to list your favorite snacks for quicker approval.

Q: Is Petoria recognized by other nations?

A: Not officially, but we have strong BBQ diplomacy with other micro-nations like Molossia. Recognition isn’t everything—nachos and fun are what truly matter.