All citizens of Petoria are expected to comply with the official decrees of our Supreme Leader, Peter Griffin. These decrees are subject to change based on Peter’s latest whims, cravings, or random inspirations.
Date Issued: January 3, 2021
Details: Every Wednesday night is now Nacho Night. All citizens are required to partake in nacho consumption to celebrate the joy of snacking. Peter has declared that nachos are the national food of Petoria, and failure to participate may result in a stern look from the Supreme Leader himself.
Date Issued: February 10, 2021
Details: Every Friday, all citizens must wear pajamas from dawn till dusk. Formal attire is strictly forbidden, as it interferes with the Petorian values of relaxation and comfort. Citizens caught wearing anything too formal will be publicly encouraged to “loosen up” by Peter.
Date Issued: March 5, 2021
Details: Every Sunday, all citizens are required to gather at the Joehio pool for mandatory relaxation, pool games, and lounging. Sunscreen is recommended, and fun is absolutely mandatory. Citizens are reminded to bring their own floats and to enjoy the BBQ set up by Peter.
Date Issued: April 20, 2021
Details: At the top of every hour, the national anthem “Surfin’ Bird” by The Trashmen must be played, and citizens are required to perform the Bird Dance. Participation is highly encouraged, and failure to comply will result in minor public embarrassment. The Bird Dance is considered a sacred Petorian tradition.
Date Issued: May 15, 2021
Details: On the last Saturday of each month, citizens are encouraged to observe “No Pants Day” to fully embrace the spirit of Petorian freedom. While pants are optional, decency is still expected, as deemed appropriate by Peter. Citizens are encouraged to enjoy the day with snacks and laughter.
Date Issued: January 13, 2025
Details: At precisely 3:14 PM daily, all citizens must stop whatever they are doing and perform the Chicken Dance. This is to commemorate Peter’s legendary battle with the Giant Chicken. Failure to comply will result in mandatory karaoke sessions featuring Peter singing “Surfin’ Bird” on loop.
Fun Fact: Peter reserves the right to issue new decrees at any time. Check back often for updates, as failing to follow a new decree is still considered a serious offense in Petoria!