Contact Your Overlord

We’d love to hear from you! Whether it’s about BBQ diplomacy, national nacho policies, or citizen services, feel free to reach out.

Supreme Leader Contact

Supreme Leader Peter Griffin

Have a pressing matter that only the Supreme Leader can address? Send a formal inquiry to President Griffin’s office to receive his wisdom on all things Petorian.


Phone: +1 (555) 123-4567

Citizen Services

Citizen Services

For questions about citizenship applications, passports, or other citizen services, our dedicated team is here to assist you with all things Petoria.


Phone: +1 (555) 987-6543

BBQ & Events

BBQ & Cultural Events

Interested in attending a Petorian BBQ or planning a cultural event? Reach out to our events team to bring a slice of Petoria to your next gathering.


Phone: +1 (555) 234-5678

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